Hard Truth

Surrendering your pet is not a quick, easy, or cheap decision.

Understanding our Process for Pet Surrenders

Every pet that is surrendered to our rescue takes the place of another animal that is trying to survive in some of the hardest, more inhumane conditions. As much as we want to provide a sanctuary for all unwanted animals, we have limited space and resources.

Rory O’Neill (Director) is a professional animal behaviour specialist who can help pet owners with their decision to surrender their animal.

In most cases, we will require a mandatory behaviour consult prior to accepting your animal; these consults range in cost and are in addition to our surrender fee if it is decided the best option is for your pet to be re-homed.

Our goal is to help you reforge your bond with your pet, and decide not to surrender.

Pets were submitted to us for consideration for pet surrender this year.
Of those pets had behavioural issues that were fixed, and they STAYED with their family.

Surrender Fee

Our surrender fee is $250 to cover rehabilitation, care, re-homing, and/or potential additional veterinary bills. We require all incoming pets to have vaccinations and be spayed or neutered prior to arriving.

This fee is in ADDITION to mandatory consult fee.

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